I’m going to be honest, I didn’t go to this event for the purpose of completing the Paideia requirement. However, it was definitely a stretch for me, and I definitely think I benefitted from attending. Earlier this year, one of my best friends, Porscha, lost her Dad passed away. Some friends and I went to the funeral near Dallas. Porscha is African-American, and clearly so is the majority of her family. The funeral was held at a traditional, Black Southern Baptist church and it’s safe to say that I felt relatively out of place. It didn’t help that by the time we got into the small church, the only spots left were behind the pulpit, facing the pews. Nonetheless, we were glad to be there for Porscha.
As the service started, I was fairly uncomfortable. It wasn’t like any church service I’d ever been to. Honestly it was just like the movies depict it, with the Preacher yelling a lot and a continuous stream of “Hallelujahs” and “Amens” from the congregation. As he continued speaking though, I became more and more comfortable and it wasn’t long at all until I was thoroughly enjoying myself…as much as is possible at a funeral. This Preacher wasn’t presumptuous or “holier than though” like so many pastors I’ve encountered in the past. The sermon wasn’t monotonous and boring, it was emotional and raw. He didn’t attempt to be verbose and excessive; his message was simple and real: This guys was awesome, and it sucks that he’s gone.
The service wound down and we made our exit without getting a chance to see Porscha. I wouldn’t say that this experience was life-changing, and to be honest I probably won’t start frequenting South Baptist churches. However, I do think that the service was much more comforting and reassuring for me than any service at the Methodist churches I’m so used to.
Paideia Final Reflection
13 years ago